QRZ! Ham Radio 20
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Subject: TM-G707A Mods
Date: Mon, 8 Feb 1999 20:17:04 -0500
Here are three mods that I collected on the net from other users. I
made all three mods and they work as advertised.
There are 2 "standard" mods from Kenwood, and one "discovered".
The first extends receive range to118.0 - 174.0320.0 on 2mtr and a
'new' band of 525.0800.0 - 950.0
The second opens up transmit range for CAP/MARS.
The Third opens up Xmit VHF TX 136.995 - 173.995. UHF TX should be
From the Kenwood site, get the mod for extended receive. In addition
to the W501 jumper to cut (MOD 1), also cut the jumper next to it (MOD
2). Both of them are obvious -- large green loop jumpers next to each
other. (mod instructions can be gotten at ftp.kenwood.net ) It is in
PDF format and gives instruction along with a diagram on how to cut
W501 Jumper for MARS/CAP -- chop the one next to it too. That will give
you the new band and 500-900 MHz RX.
For full xmit capability, follow the instructions for the TMV-7A mod
with one exception, remove SM Resistor number 1 (not the number 0 for
TM-V7A mod!).
The TM-V7A mod can be found at the QRZ site www.qrz.com. look under
radio mods, and then TM-V7A.
Here is the text from that site AGAIN THIS IS FOR TM-V7A remove number
1 for the G707A:
Date: Sat, 31 Jan 1998 Subject: Mars/Cap mod for Kenwood TM-V7A
Remove the top and bottom covers and the detachable face holder.
Look at the p c board that is vertical behind the front of the radio.
There will be 2 small chip resistors on the left side of the board.
Carefully remove the one with the number 0 . It will be the one closest
to the left near the grounding spring. You will probably have to scrape
it off with a pair of needle nose pliers. After you remove it the TX
should be VHF TX 136.995 - 173.995. UHF TX should be 410-469.995
The drawback to this mod, is that you lose the auto repeater offset
capability. ( You have to manually enter - or + for repeater offset).
I recommend using the computer interface to program the radio. When
you perform the mod, the radio resets and all memory is lost. If you
have the computer interface, you can read the radio, save it, and then
re-program it from the file. Much easier to program the radio, name,
offsets, etc. on the keyboard then on the radio control panel.
I performed all three mods to my TM-G707A and they work flawlessly.
Rick W4RP